Thursday, July 16, 2009

Day 2: Pickering to Cobourg


We thought it was 80 km or so to Cobourg. It probably is. But, on the waterfront trail, which loops down and up and around, and includes scary hilly and gravely bits, it is a little longer. My odometer told us we actually rode 111 kms today! Despite the occaisional cursing at the winding road (it sometimes went plain west!), many parts were very beautiful. The parts on the water, feeling the immediate cool and lovely breeze off the lake, the rolling farmland, and cute southern Ontario towns, and wildflowers everywhere made it a beautiful (though longer than expected) day.

Grandma has fed us a hot supper, and let me shower. I'm going to bed.



  1. My PowerMac died and I was using my ancient iBook to access here and it doesn't render the HTML properly. I clicked on search and somehow flagged the blog as having objectionable content. Oops sorry. I couldn't even post this on the iBook I'm using my iPhone.
